Fiat India is all set to launch the more affordable version of its Linea Saloon in a couple of hours. However, we brought you the spy pictures of the Linea Classic, which will come as a proper mid-size sedan at an affordable price. The new Linea Classic will compete against the likes of Honda Amaze, Swift Dzire and others.
The Fiat Linea Classic will be powered by the 1.3-litre Multijet diesel engine, which is tuned to offer 75bhp. The 90bhp diesel will not power the Linea Classic. The petrol version of the vehicle will be powered by the same 1.4-litre engine that develops 88bhp.
The Fiat Linea Classic will be powered by the 1.3-litre Multijet diesel engine, which is tuned to offer 75bhp. The 90bhp diesel will not power the Linea Classic. The petrol version of the vehicle will be powered by the same 1.4-litre engine that develops 88bhp.