India's leading utility vehicle maker Mahindra & Mahindra has today launched the Xylo D2 MAXX with 9 seats option, which makes it the first 9-seater Xylo model. Priced at Rs 7.12 lakh (BS3, ex-showroom, Mumbai), this variant gets side-facing rear seats in additon to the regualar model. The company claims the Xylo D2 MAXX to have received a new look front grille with Mahindra logo, new bumper with sporty air dams and wheel arches, giving it a distinct look.
According to Vivek Nayer, Chief Marketing Officer, Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. “The Xylo D2 MAXX with the mDI CRDe engine is a variant of the Xylo, which delivers great mileage, low maintenance and maximum space, making it a very popular choice with the tour and travel segment. Today, we are delighted to offer our customers the 9 seats option with side-facing rear seats – a feature preferred by the tour and travel segment. Given that the Xylo has best-in-class space, the side facing seats will provide a great deal of flexibility for carrying people or luggage.”
According to Vivek Nayer, Chief Marketing Officer, Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. “The Xylo D2 MAXX with the mDI CRDe engine is a variant of the Xylo, which delivers great mileage, low maintenance and maximum space, making it a very popular choice with the tour and travel segment. Today, we are delighted to offer our customers the 9 seats option with side-facing rear seats – a feature preferred by the tour and travel segment. Given that the Xylo has best-in-class space, the side facing seats will provide a great deal of flexibility for carrying people or luggage.”
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